'65), the Greater L.A. area now contains probably upward of 30,000 white, male, exclusively homosexual persons aged 20 or over. (ONE's own estimate, based on fourteen years of local observation, research, and statistical work, is over twice this figure.) Add to this exclusively homosexual males, 20 or over, of Oriental and Negro extraction, plus exclusively homosexual males 18-20 years old for all these ethnic groups, plus predominantly homosexual males for all the age and ethnic groups mentioned above, and the total rises astronomically, into the order of hundreds of thousands for males alone. Even without the lesbians (who certainly could not lag too far behind these figures) this is scarcely a minority to be highhandedly denied full rights of peaceful association guaranteed to all American citizens under our Constitution.

According to some rather recent local notices, L.A. city officials are now considering police licensing of private clubs as a means for curbing alleged immoralities now taking place behind the legal immunities of private-club status. Chief targets, of course, are private clubs catering to homosexuals, which of itself is not the main basis for complaint, but rather that minors are said to be "lured" there for immoral and illicit purposes. One case is cited (HOLLYWOOD CITIZEN-NEWS for 12/7) "in which a high school youth went to such a club and later showed up at home with dyed blond hair and false eyelashes." (Rather frivolous and pointless, but hardly a fate worse than death.)

The real point is, what is to happen to thousands of homosexuallyinclined youths of minor age? Are they all to be driven onto streets like Selma Avenue, where many are already? Or are they to be sent

running home to mother (whom most are running away from to begin with)? Or is Councilman Lamport of Hollywood, who is sponsoring the licensing plan, going to "cure" them all, after "rescuing" them from various dens of iniquity?

We are not trying to be funny. It is an extremely serious problem, which the city fathers will most certainly not solve through the current proposal. Homophile organizations on the West Coast and elsewhere have for years offered social functions and educational programmes for homophiles, on the theory that many would like to get away from the corner-divandark-light-highball circuit which Councilman Lamport deplores. But of course, the presence of minors. (the ones who might most benefit) in such programmes is verboten; and the persecution of homosexuals generally is such that even adults are reluctant to participate. And, ONE might ask, what municipal or State support or even encouragement have homophile organizations ever received? Or what comparable programmes have any

cities or States ever offered? Their "programme" is, and has been, to hound the homophile from pillar to post, throw him into jail whenever possible, close up such traditional social rendezvous as exist for him-meanwhile trying to paralyze existing homophile groups (the only groups trying to do something constructive) by official non-recognition and indifference.

These conditions throughout the country, and it is are typical patently absurd to suppose that the basic problem can be remedied by even further repressive measures, or by trying to sweep several million homosexuals under some convenient rug and forgetting about them.